When you look in the mirror, do you see an increase in the number of wrinkles on your face, or in the depth of certain lines and folds? Everyone experiences the effects of aging skin eventually. But you may be surprised to learn that there are ways to keep your skin looking younger that don’t require surgery or a lot of artificial chemicals. At Advanced Aesthetics Medical Spa in Overland Park, KS we offer one of these treatments: Juvederm, a dermal filler that can add volume to your cheeks, add plumpness to your lips, and soften those facial folds and wrinkles.
What Is Juvederm?
This FDA-approved treatment is just one of a number of dermal fillers that are available on the market today, but it is one of the most respected and frequently requested. While you may be familiar with Botox, the way Juvederm works is very different. That’s because it’s a “hyaluronic acid filler.”
Botox is a neurotoxin that relaxes the muscles that cause wrinkles. Hyaluronic acid fillers, on the other hand, achieve their goals by restoring the levels of hyaluronic acid in a patient’s skin. This makes it a true “filler”, but the real secret to its success is that it isn’t actually adding some strange substance to your face. Hyaluronic acid is something you have naturally in your skin, and it can be very beneficial to add more of it.
What Is Hyaluronic Acid?
All of us have hyaluronic acid that exists in our skin. It is something we are born with, and our bodies produce more of it throughout our lives. Hyaluronic acid is a polysaccharide–a type of sugar chemical that helps our skin retain moisture.
A Molecule That Keeps Our Skin Looking Young
This unique type of sugar binds to water molecules. It is so good at this process that it can retain hundreds of times its own weight in water, simply with a strong chemical bond. As a result of this, hyaluronic acid is absolutely critical in keeping our skin looking hydrated, fresh, supple, and youthful.
A Substance That Decreases With Age
Unfortunately, hyaluronic acid breaks down over time. With age, our bodies produce less and less new hyaluronic acid to replace what has been lost. As the amount of available hyaluronic acid decreases, our skin starts to retain less water, causing changes in our appearance. This contributes to conditions like thinner lips, sunken cheeks, and pronounced folds or wrinkles on our faces and skin.
How Does a Hyaluronic Acid Filler Work?
Modern science has made it possible for us to synthesize hyaluronic acid. We can isolate it in such a way that we can then inject it into patients who may need additional volume in certain areas in their skin.
Gel Filler Interacts With Skin
The hyaluronic acid is typically suspended in a special gel. This gel is designed to interact with the skin, and it will add volume when it is administered to a patient in a specific treatment area. If multiple treatment areas are needed, then there must be multiple injections also.
Localized Treatment Targets Specific Areas
This is a localized treatment, meaning that it must be injected into the same area that needs additional volume. It’s not the same as taking a pill and seeing small results everywhere. One advantage of this is that it allows us to control the amount of aesthetic change that a patient will experience, by increasing or decreasing the amounts used. Some patients want a big change, while others prefer a more subtle approach.
How Soon Will I See the Results of My Treatment?
With this particular hyaluronic acid filler, you will see results right away. Immediately after the filler is injected, it begins to bind to water and starts to add volume to the face, cheeks, or lips. For many patients, these changes will be visible the same day as treatment, or even in a matter of hours.
It is important to realize, though, that these initial results (what you will see in the first couple of days) are not the same as the final results. The filler needs some time to settle and even out. In a typical treatment, these ideal results will be visible after two weeks.
How Long Will My Results Last?
Juvederm is one of the longest-lasting hyaluronic fillers available, which plays a big role in its popularity among patients. The treatment works in multiple areas, such as the cheeks, lips, upper face, nasolabial folds, and marionette lines. The effects of one session can last anywhere from six months to two years, depending on the amount of filler used, the injection location, and the type of filler used.
Because each treatment area has its own unique aesthetic challenges, the composition of the filler needs to be modified as a result. Some of these specific formulas last longer than others. In general, most current varieties of the filler will last over a year, with some lasting longer.
What Type of Juvederm Should I Choose?
The most common varieties are XC, Ultra XC, Voluma XC, Vollure XC, and Volbella XC. The XC indicates that an anesthetic is also part of the formula, which has become the standard practice. These varieties each have their own target areas, and the treatment longevity varies accordingly.
This is essentially the original version of the filler, with the local anesthetic lidocaine added for comfort. XC is mostly designed for nasolabial folds and treating lines in the lower face. This variety usually lasts about nine months to one year.
Ultra XC
As one might guess from the name, Ultra XC is used for adding a larger amount of volume than the regular version. Ultra XC has two main uses. It lends additional volume to severe nasolabial folds, and it is also used for plumping lips that need more volume.
Volbella XC
Volbella XC is specifically designed for lips and lines around the mouth. Although Ultra can be used on the lips, Volbella can be used for subtler work. Its composition allows the injector to shape and plump lips with more control while also softening lip lines. It usually lasts for a year.
Vollure XC
Vollure XC is a newer version of the filler and has been designed for longevity. Like the original XC and Ultra XC, the main purpose is to address nasolabial folds and other facials lines and wrinkles. However, this newer composition lasts 18 months, giving it an edge on the older varieties when it comes to the lifespan of the treatment.
Voluma XC
If you want to add volume to your cheeks, then Voluma XC is likely to be your best bet. This variety of filler is designed for a deep injection. Because of this deeper injection, the treatment lasts up to two years. Dermatologists can use Voluma XC to address sunken cheeks, and they can also use it to contour the cheek line or add definition to the “apple” of the cheek.
Fortunately, you don’t need to know everything about each of these fillers before your treatment. Before your treatment session, you will have the opportunity to have any further questions answered, when you meet with our staff in a personal consultation.
What Is a Treatment Session Like?
Treatments are very quick. They are usually completed in under an hour, and often in less than 30 minutes. The time taken will depend on the amount of filler and the number of treatment areas.
Patients who come to our medical spa can relax during treatment. Patients are made comfortable, and our experienced medical staff administers the filler using a very fine needle. The treatment is designed to be minimally invasive while still delivering ideal results.
How Should I Get Ready for Treatment?
Because this is a minimally invasive treatment, there is not much that patients need to do ahead of time. However, there are a few things that we ask patients to do.
It is a good idea to avoid aspirin and other blood thinners as these can potentially cause bruising when combined with treatment. Alcohol consumption should also stop in the day leading up to treatment. In addition, we may recommend against using certain skin treatments before your session. Every requirement will be covered in detail during your personal consultation.
What Should I Do After Treatment?
In order to obtain the best results, we recommend that patients avoid certain things after treatment. These include alcohol and blood-thinning medications, as was the case before treatment. We also suggest avoiding direct sunlight or extreme cold or heat. For instance, activities like sun tanning, saunas, and cryotherapy should all be saved for a later time. In addition, patients should wait to get a massage. Massages during the first two weeks can potentially interfere with the filler as it settles, leading to an uneven final result.
Can Anyone Get This Treatment?
Typically, patients who see this treatment are 35 or older, however, it is not uncommon for younger patients to get it as well. The manufacturer recommends that patients should be at least 21. It works with almost any skin type, age, or gender, but there are a few exceptions where doctors will generally not administer this filler.
Pregnant or breastfeeding women should seek another treatment or wait until they are no longer pregnant or breastfeeding. There is no evidence at all that this filler will harm infants, however out of an abundance of caution, it is avoided nonetheless. Patients who are allergic to lidocaine or who have a history of excessive scarring may also want to avoid this treatment.
What Is Recovery Like?
One of the reasons this treatment is so popular is that it requires no downtime and recovery is very simple. In most cases, people can resume their everyday activities right after a session. The advantage here is obvious for anyone with a busy schedule or an on-the-go life. You can get this treatment without having to suspend your usual lifestyle in the process.
How Can I Maintain My Results?
As long as the filler remains in your skin, the hyaluronic acid will continue to bind to water and add volume to your face, cheeks, or lips. However, over time, the levels of hyaluronic acid will start to decrease, just like with the hyaluronic acid that your body naturally produces. Although we can replenish the supply, we cannot stop the aging process.
In order to maintain an ideal aesthetic, many patients elect to return for follow-up treatments. These are usually spaced out annually, depending on the type of treatment that has been used. These sessions often require less of the injection, although this will depend on how well each patient responds to treatment.
Contact Us Today
If you’re ready to restore a fresh and youthful look to your skin, then it’s time to see the amazing things that Juvederm can do for you. Contact us at Advanced Aesthetics Medical Spa in Overland Park, KS for your personal aesthetic consultation!
Body Contouring FAQs: What Can You Expect From a Venus Legacy Treatment?
/in BlogMany people develop excess fat, cellulite, and sagging skin as they age. Fortunately, you can address these issues and enhance your appearance with Venus Legacy. At Advanced Aesthetics Medical Spa in Overland Park, Kansas, we use this wonderful body contouring treatment to tighten people’s skin, reduce unwanted fat, and improve other imperfections.
Body Contouring FAQs
What Can You Expect From a Venus Legacy Treatment?
Venus Legacy is an innovative body contouring treatment. This state-of-the-art technology uses heat to reduce unwanted fat. It can also address sagging skin, reduce the appearance of your wrinkles, and smooth cellulite. Once you achieve the full effect of this technique, your skin will look tighter and more attractive. Your body will appear to be sculpted and contoured. Many people are thrilled by how slim and attractive they look after their treatments.
An Easy Method
There’s no need to feel nervous about using Venus Legacy to improve your body. This is a quick, non-invasive treatment that doesn’t require you to receive anesthesia or go through a lengthy recovery period. Most people feel very relaxed during their appointments. You won’t have any downtime after your treatment. Instead, you can immediately return to your normal schedule.
Why Do I Have Excess Fat and Other Imperfections?
It’s common to struggle with unwanted fat, cellulite, wrinkles, and other imperfections. There are a variety of reasons why people experience these issues.
Excess Fat
You’re probably familiar with the idea that eating too many calories and getting insufficient exercise can cause people to develop pockets of unwanted fat. Besides your diet and activity level, imbalanced hormone levels can cause your body to develop excess fat. Further, your genes can influence how much fat your body naturally stores.
Cellulite is dimpled, uneven skin that is commonly found on people’s buttocks and thighs. Although cellulite isn’t harmful, it may make you feel unhappy about how you look. Women are much more likely than men to develop this issue. In addition to gender, your genes, hormones, and diet can all increase your chances of experiencing this issue. Further, gaining weight or going through pregnancy may cause you to develop cellulite.
Many people develop wrinkles and fine lines on their skin as they age. As you become older, your skin will weaken and become less elastic. These changes can make your face crease and wrinkle. Further, your genes play a large role in the appearance of your skin.
This means that if your parents developed wrinkles at an early age, you may struggle with this issue. Excess sun exposure can also harm the structure of your skin. In addition, smoking may increase your chances of experiencing wrinkles at an early age.
Sagging Skin
As people age, their levels of collagen and elastin decrease. Collagen and elastin are proteins that play an important role in the appearance of your skin. Collagen helps your skin stay firm and strong. Elastin keeps your skin flexible and elastic, as you might guess from its name.
As these proteins decrease, your skin becomes more likely to sag. Other lifestyle choices, such as your diet, alcohol consumption, and excess sun exposure can also increase your chances of experiencing sagging skin.
Improving Your Look
Excess fat, cellulite, and other imperfections can be very difficult to address on your own. Aging, genetics, hormones, and other uncontrollable factors can cause even fit, healthy people to struggle with these issues.
In particular, many people change their diets and take good care of their skin without seeing noticeable improvements in their appearance. Fortunately, Venus Legacy can reduce your unwanted fat and improve your skin in a safe, non-invasive manner.
How Does Venus Legacy Work?
This innovative technology improves your skin and reduces excess fat by applying heat under the surface of your skin.
Heating Your Skin
This treatment uses Pulsed Electro Magnetic Fields and Multi-Polar Radio Frequency to heat your skin. The heat will stimulate your body to produce more collagen and elastin. It will also decrease your unwanted fat. Improving your levels of collagen and elastin will enhance the appearance of your skin.
Keeping You Comfortable
As your skin is being heated, a pulsed suction will pull your skin upward. This is called VariPulse. This suction will help the energy penetrate more effectively into your skin. It will also help you feel more comfortable during the treatment process.
What Issues Can This Treatment Improve?
People love Venus Legacy because it is so effective and efficient. Many cosmetic treatments can only target one issue at a time. In contrast, Venus Legacy can improve a variety of conditions at once.
An Efficient Treatment
Venus Legacy can reduce unwanted fat in your target area. It can also improve the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. Further, this treatment can smooth your cellulite and tighten sagging skin. Addressing these issues will enhance your appearance and make you look more vibrant and youthful.
How Will I Prepare for My Treatment?
You will have an initial consultation before you receive this treatment. During this meeting, we will examine your skin. We will talk about your skin issues, unwanted fat, and any contouring treatments that you’ve had before. We’ll discuss your medical history, including any health conditions that you have. We’ll use this information to determine whether Venus Legacy is right for you.
Getting Ready
Preparing for your treatment session is easy. You don’t have to avoid any specific foods, medications, or cosmetic products during the weeks before your appointment. You also don’t have to change your routine or schedule. That said, if you are treating an area other than your neck or face, we suggest that you exercise before your appointment.
What Will My Treatment Be Like?
Venus Legacy treatments are extremely quick and gentle. Your treatment will take fifteen to thirty minutes. This time will vary based on the area of your body that we are treating. Since this treatment is so fast, some people schedule their appointments during their lunch breaks.
You should arrive at your appointment with clean skin that is free of creams, makeup, and other products. You should also take off any jewelry around your treatment area. During your treatment, we will monitor the amount of suction and heat that we apply to your body. We will adjust these levels depending on your unique needs. Most people are comfortable and relaxed during this process.
What Will My Recovery Be Like?
This is a non-invasive treatment that is very easy on your body. You will have no downtime after your treatment. You can return to your job, childcare responsibilities, and other tasks immediately. Many cosmetic treatments require you to follow complicated rules during your recovery period. For instance, you might have to avoid makeup and stay out of the sun.
Venus Legacy is different. You don’t have to follow any special rules or take extra precautions in the days and weeks after you receive this treatment. You can continue to live your life normally.
How Many Treatment Sessions Will I Need?
Your treatment schedule will be personalized to fit your unique needs. The condition of your skin, the areas that you would like to treat, and other factors will influence your treatment plan. That said, most people get six to eight treatments on each target area. We will perform your treatments once every week.
How Soon Will I See Results?
People see the best results when they receive multiple treatment sessions. Your results will continue to improve as you progress through your treatment plan. Once you complete your treatment sessions, you will notice further changes in your body for up to three to four months.
How Can I Maintain the Benefits of My Venus Legacy Treatments?
Since your body will continue to age after you complete your body contouring sessions, you will need to receive touch-up treatments to maintain your new look. People typically experience the best results when they have regular maintenance appointments.
In general, we advise patients to receive a touch-up treatment every three to four months. During your initial consultation, we can provide you with more information about how to maintain your new look. We can also recommend a special cellulite cream that may further enhance your results.
Can This Treatment Improve My Appearance Before a Big Event?
Many people want to look their best before they attend a wedding, family reunion, or other important life events. People may also want to rejuvenate their bodies before going on vacation at the beach. Since Venus Legacy can reduce your fat, decrease your cellulite, and improve your skin, it can make a significant difference in how you look. Enhancing your appearance may help you feel more attractive and confident during your big event.
Scheduling Your Treatments
Since Venus Legacy requires multiple treatments, you will need to begin your sessions before your special event. Further, you’ll need to give your body time to renew and refresh itself. Please tell us if you are trying to achieve the full benefits of your Venus Legacy treatments by a certain date. We can plan a schedule that will help you achieve your desired outcome within your specified timeline.
Is This Treatment Safe?
It’s normal to feel nervous when you decide to try a new body contouring treatment. But there’s no need to feel worried about Venus Legacy. This sophisticated treatment uses proven radiofrequency technology to gently heat your skin. This technique is safe and effective. Further, many people have successfully used Venus Legacy to tighten their skin and reduce their unwanted fat.
Who Is a Suitable Candidate for Venus Legacy?
Venus Legacy is a gentle treatment that is suitable for many people. This treatment is a perfect option for people who would like to improve wrinkles and sagging skin. Further, it’s a great choice for people who want to reduce their cellulite and body fat in a non-invasive manner. This technology is suitable for people with all types of skin.
Although this is a very safe treatment, it is not right for everyone. In particular, people who have silicone or metal implants in the target area may not be suitable candidates. This treatment may not be right for people who have varicose veins, skin-related autoimmune diseases, degenerative neurologic diseases, or cancer. Pregnant women and people with pacemakers also may not be suitable candidates for Venus Legacy.
Try It for Yourself
Are you ready to get the body of your dreams? You can reduce unwanted fat, improve cellulite, and tighten your skin with Venus Legacy. Even better, this is a non-invasive treatment with no downtime. To learn more about this fantastic treatment, contact us at Advanced Aesthetics Medical Spa in Overland Park, Kansas for an initial consultation today.
How Long Does Restylane Last?
/in BlogIf you want an advanced aesthetic boost that addresses significant volume loss, look no further than Restylane at Advanced Aesthetics Medical Spa in Overland Park, KS. Our certified estheticians will help you achieve a lasting, fierce beauty that will leave you wondering why it took you so long to take the plunge.
Of course, you deserve only the best and want the most durable treatments to help you reach and maintain your beauty goals. So, how long do the results of treatment last? If you’re on the fence about Restylane, you won’t be in a minute: keep reading to find out more!
How Long Does Restylane Last?
The durability of Restylane’s results varies on a case-by-case basis. The results may last you 18 months and last your sister 20 months. You may find that your first results last for two years, but when you come in for a followup treatment, those results only last 22 months. Among the factors affecting the durability of results include:
What Can I Do to Make the Results Last Longer?
As a good general rule of thumb, the results will last longer the healthier your skin is. This means you should focus on keeping your collagen and elastin healthy and strong. To accomplish this, eat plenty of colorful fruits and vegetables and make at least a quarter of your plate or bowl protein.
You should also regularly apply a sunscreen that protects from both UVA and UVB rays. Don’t just assume the sunscreen you use protects against UVA rays. If you don’t wear sunscreen because you can’t stand the smell, try a powdered, odorless sunblock. Just make sure it has a sun protection factor of at least 55 if you have fair skin or 30 if you have dark skin.
Is There Anything Else I Can Do?
When you hit age 30, your skin’s production rate of collagen and elastin slows drastically. Unfortunately, collagen creams aren’t the most effective because they don’t penetrate your skin very well unless you first receive a cosmetic treatment such as Rejuvapen microneedling. With that being said, there are more effective ways to boost your skin’s production rate of these essential fibers.
For example, we offer several laser treatments that are FDA-approved to safely and effectively boost collagen production and promote cellular turnover. Such treatments will add several months to the duration of your results. Just make sure that you don’t schedule them within seven days before your dermal filler treatment.
Which Formulation Is Right for Me?
At Advanced Aesthetics Medical Spa in Overland Park, KS, we offer our clients three formulations to address any and all skin concerns they may have. These are Defyne, Lyft, and Silk.
During your initial consultation, we will assess your underlying facial structures and ideal aesthetic to determine which formulations are appropriate for your unique needs. While most of our clients only need one formulation to achieve their facial skin goals, it’s not unusual to need two formulations. Here is a brief overview of what they do and how long they last:
Defyne is the formulation designed to address laugh lines. These are moderate-to-severe lines, wrinkles, and folds that start at the corners of your mouth and spread outwards. Manufactured with state-of-the-art cross-linking technology, this hyaluronic acid-based dermal filler lasts around a year.
Because you tend to use the muscles between your nose and mouth less frequently, when you use this product to address deep nasolabial folds, the results will typically last around two years. It can also be used to correct asymmetry around the nose by adding the right amount of volume in just the right places.
Lyft is the formulation most sought after by women and men who have experienced significant weight loss. It is used as a non-invasive cheek augmentation technique. This durable formulation adds volume to sunken, gaunt, or hollow cheeks while lifting and tightening sagging cheek skin.
You will look like a brand new version of yourself for roughly 18 months after receiving this treatment. If you come in for a short maintenance treatment at six months, you can enjoy results that last two years or more. This formulation is also used to erase wrinkles on the backs of the hands caused by illness-related volume loss.
Silk is the appropriate formulation for you if you are concerned about asymmetrical lips or thin lips. It can also be used to treat smile lines and marionette lines around the corners of the mouth. Because you move your mouth so frequently, the results of treatment only last around six months. But if you stay hydrated and don’t smoke, you can extend those results.
How Should I Prepare for Treatment?
Because of how non-invasive this anti-aging treatment is, there isn’t a lot of preparation required in advance of treatment. The most important “rule” to adhere to is discontinuing the use of any medications or nutritional supplements that can thin your blood. For example, NSAIDs, Coumadin, Plavix, garlic supplements, and fish oil supplements are all off-limits.
If you have a history of cold sores, take a preventative medication in the 10 days leading up to your treatment date. Your treatment may be postponed if you are suffering from an active skin infection, active acne flare-up, or sunburn on the day of your treatment. To mitigate your risk of sunburn before treatment, limit your time spent outside between 10 AM and 4 PM.
Is There Anything Else I Should Do or Avoid Doing?
If you decide this is the right aesthetic service for you, we will give you a comprehensive list of pre-treatment instructions during your initial consultation. Regardless of which dermal filler is right for you, you should avoid alcohol in the 24 hours leading up to your treatment due to its blood-thinning properties.
What Can I Expect During Treatment?
Every treatment starts with the treatment area being gently sanitized with a gentle, powerful alcohol-based antiseptic. To make your treatment end sooner, we strongly encourage you to come in with a clean, bare face. Wash your face gently with warm water and a gentle facial cleanser and don’t wear any makeup or jewelry.
If you’d like, we can numb the treatment area so you don’t feel the fine-gauge needle penetrate your skin. Otherwise, we will carefully mark the injection points and make the injections. The number of injections we will administer depends on how many areas are being treated and the required dosage. The depth of the injections will depend on your facial structure.
What Can I Expect After Treatment?
After treatment, you will experience no downtime or recovery period. Because neither general anesthesia nor sedation is required for treatment, you will not need to be observed after treatment. Once you schedule your follow-up session, you are free to return to your regularly scheduled day. The results of the treatment are visible immediately.
Is There Anything I Should Avoid After Treatment?
It is important to keep your blood pressure as normal as possible after treatment. To achieve this, avoid strenuous exercise, extreme heat, and extreme cold. It is also important to wear sunscreen after treatment and avoid direct sunlight. Finally, do not receive any type of massage on the day of your treatment session.
How Many Follow-Up Treatments Will I Need?
You will only need one treatment session to achieve your ideal results. However, you will want to schedule a quick maintenance session between 4.5 and nine months after your first session. This alone will extend the results of your initial treatment by 50%.
If you opt for a formulation that usually lasts two years, nine months is a good time to come in for a short maintenance treatment. The dosage will be smaller and the treatment won’t take as long. However, it is a key step in keeping the results of your treatment ideal. If your treatment results are expected to last around six to 18 months, come in at 4.5 months.
Am I a Good Candidate for This Dermal Filler?
During your initial consultation, we will review your medical history and assess your current health to ensure this is an ideal dermal filler for you. We will also conduct a physical examination to assess the underlying structures of your face, like your skin and muscle tissues.
Finally, you will have the opportunity to describe your ideal look or share pictures of what you’re looking to achieve. Because hyaluronic acid is a chemical compound that exists naturally in your body, there is no risk that you are allergic to the treatment. However, certain medical conditions, such as an active skin infection or pregnancy may preclude you as a good candidate.
What if This Dermal Filler Isn’t Right for Me?
If this isn’t the right dermal filler for you, you may be a better candidate for a different dermal filler. At Advanced Aesthetics Medical Spa in Overland Park, KS, we also offer the entire collection of Juvederm’s dermal fillers. These include Juvederm Voluma XC for the cheeks, Juvederm XC, and Vollure XC for the mouth and Volbella XC and Ultra XC for the lips.
It is important to note that the “XC” at the end of each formulation indicates lidocaine is one of the ingredients. If you think Juvederm is a better option for you and you are allergic to lidocaine, let us know during your initial consultation. We are more than happy to accommodate your allergy by providing a formulation without lidocaine and numbing the area with ice.
What if No Dermal Filler Is Right for Me?
If your wrinkles are caused by muscle hyperactivity rather than volume loss, you are a better candidate for neurotoxins. The two injectables we offer in this category are Dysport, which features the active ingredient abobotulinumtoxinA, and Botox Cosmetic, which features the active ingredient onabotulinumtoxinA.
These neurotoxins smooth wrinkles and erase fine lines for up to four months by blocking electrical impulses sent to your muscles from your nerves. This relaxes the hyperactive muscles that cause the skin to wrinkle and fold. These injections take no more than 20 minutes to complete and you can see the results within one to three days of treatment.
Discover How You Can Look Fiercely Beautiful Today
Restylane is one of the most popular anti-aging treatments on the market because of how durable it is. Depending on the area and aesthetic concern you are trying to correct, the results can easily last up to two years.
To discover which formulation is right for you, or learn how you can extend the duration of your results, please contact us today at Advanced Aesthetics Medical Spa in Overland Park, KS to schedule your initial consultation. Whether you need one formulation or several, we will tailor an advanced aesthetic treatment plan to help you look fiercely beautiful.
How Soon Will You See Results From Juvederm Treatments?
/in BlogWhen you look in the mirror, do you see an increase in the number of wrinkles on your face, or in the depth of certain lines and folds? Everyone experiences the effects of aging skin eventually. But you may be surprised to learn that there are ways to keep your skin looking younger that don’t require surgery or a lot of artificial chemicals. At Advanced Aesthetics Medical Spa in Overland Park, KS we offer one of these treatments: Juvederm, a dermal filler that can add volume to your cheeks, add plumpness to your lips, and soften those facial folds and wrinkles.
What Is Juvederm?
This FDA-approved treatment is just one of a number of dermal fillers that are available on the market today, but it is one of the most respected and frequently requested. While you may be familiar with Botox, the way Juvederm works is very different. That’s because it’s a “hyaluronic acid filler.”
Botox is a neurotoxin that relaxes the muscles that cause wrinkles. Hyaluronic acid fillers, on the other hand, achieve their goals by restoring the levels of hyaluronic acid in a patient’s skin. This makes it a true “filler”, but the real secret to its success is that it isn’t actually adding some strange substance to your face. Hyaluronic acid is something you have naturally in your skin, and it can be very beneficial to add more of it.
What Is Hyaluronic Acid?
All of us have hyaluronic acid that exists in our skin. It is something we are born with, and our bodies produce more of it throughout our lives. Hyaluronic acid is a polysaccharide–a type of sugar chemical that helps our skin retain moisture.
A Molecule That Keeps Our Skin Looking Young
This unique type of sugar binds to water molecules. It is so good at this process that it can retain hundreds of times its own weight in water, simply with a strong chemical bond. As a result of this, hyaluronic acid is absolutely critical in keeping our skin looking hydrated, fresh, supple, and youthful.
A Substance That Decreases With Age
Unfortunately, hyaluronic acid breaks down over time. With age, our bodies produce less and less new hyaluronic acid to replace what has been lost. As the amount of available hyaluronic acid decreases, our skin starts to retain less water, causing changes in our appearance. This contributes to conditions like thinner lips, sunken cheeks, and pronounced folds or wrinkles on our faces and skin.
How Does a Hyaluronic Acid Filler Work?
Modern science has made it possible for us to synthesize hyaluronic acid. We can isolate it in such a way that we can then inject it into patients who may need additional volume in certain areas in their skin.
Gel Filler Interacts With Skin
The hyaluronic acid is typically suspended in a special gel. This gel is designed to interact with the skin, and it will add volume when it is administered to a patient in a specific treatment area. If multiple treatment areas are needed, then there must be multiple injections also.
Localized Treatment Targets Specific Areas
This is a localized treatment, meaning that it must be injected into the same area that needs additional volume. It’s not the same as taking a pill and seeing small results everywhere. One advantage of this is that it allows us to control the amount of aesthetic change that a patient will experience, by increasing or decreasing the amounts used. Some patients want a big change, while others prefer a more subtle approach.
How Soon Will I See the Results of My Treatment?
With this particular hyaluronic acid filler, you will see results right away. Immediately after the filler is injected, it begins to bind to water and starts to add volume to the face, cheeks, or lips. For many patients, these changes will be visible the same day as treatment, or even in a matter of hours.
It is important to realize, though, that these initial results (what you will see in the first couple of days) are not the same as the final results. The filler needs some time to settle and even out. In a typical treatment, these ideal results will be visible after two weeks.
How Long Will My Results Last?
Juvederm is one of the longest-lasting hyaluronic fillers available, which plays a big role in its popularity among patients. The treatment works in multiple areas, such as the cheeks, lips, upper face, nasolabial folds, and marionette lines. The effects of one session can last anywhere from six months to two years, depending on the amount of filler used, the injection location, and the type of filler used.
Because each treatment area has its own unique aesthetic challenges, the composition of the filler needs to be modified as a result. Some of these specific formulas last longer than others. In general, most current varieties of the filler will last over a year, with some lasting longer.
What Type of Juvederm Should I Choose?
The most common varieties are XC, Ultra XC, Voluma XC, Vollure XC, and Volbella XC. The XC indicates that an anesthetic is also part of the formula, which has become the standard practice. These varieties each have their own target areas, and the treatment longevity varies accordingly.
This is essentially the original version of the filler, with the local anesthetic lidocaine added for comfort. XC is mostly designed for nasolabial folds and treating lines in the lower face. This variety usually lasts about nine months to one year.
Ultra XC
As one might guess from the name, Ultra XC is used for adding a larger amount of volume than the regular version. Ultra XC has two main uses. It lends additional volume to severe nasolabial folds, and it is also used for plumping lips that need more volume.
Volbella XC
Volbella XC is specifically designed for lips and lines around the mouth. Although Ultra can be used on the lips, Volbella can be used for subtler work. Its composition allows the injector to shape and plump lips with more control while also softening lip lines. It usually lasts for a year.
Vollure XC
Vollure XC is a newer version of the filler and has been designed for longevity. Like the original XC and Ultra XC, the main purpose is to address nasolabial folds and other facials lines and wrinkles. However, this newer composition lasts 18 months, giving it an edge on the older varieties when it comes to the lifespan of the treatment.
Voluma XC
If you want to add volume to your cheeks, then Voluma XC is likely to be your best bet. This variety of filler is designed for a deep injection. Because of this deeper injection, the treatment lasts up to two years. Dermatologists can use Voluma XC to address sunken cheeks, and they can also use it to contour the cheek line or add definition to the “apple” of the cheek.
Fortunately, you don’t need to know everything about each of these fillers before your treatment. Before your treatment session, you will have the opportunity to have any further questions answered, when you meet with our staff in a personal consultation.
What Is a Treatment Session Like?
Treatments are very quick. They are usually completed in under an hour, and often in less than 30 minutes. The time taken will depend on the amount of filler and the number of treatment areas.
Patients who come to our medical spa can relax during treatment. Patients are made comfortable, and our experienced medical staff administers the filler using a very fine needle. The treatment is designed to be minimally invasive while still delivering ideal results.
How Should I Get Ready for Treatment?
Because this is a minimally invasive treatment, there is not much that patients need to do ahead of time. However, there are a few things that we ask patients to do.
It is a good idea to avoid aspirin and other blood thinners as these can potentially cause bruising when combined with treatment. Alcohol consumption should also stop in the day leading up to treatment. In addition, we may recommend against using certain skin treatments before your session. Every requirement will be covered in detail during your personal consultation.
What Should I Do After Treatment?
In order to obtain the best results, we recommend that patients avoid certain things after treatment. These include alcohol and blood-thinning medications, as was the case before treatment. We also suggest avoiding direct sunlight or extreme cold or heat. For instance, activities like sun tanning, saunas, and cryotherapy should all be saved for a later time. In addition, patients should wait to get a massage. Massages during the first two weeks can potentially interfere with the filler as it settles, leading to an uneven final result.
Can Anyone Get This Treatment?
Typically, patients who see this treatment are 35 or older, however, it is not uncommon for younger patients to get it as well. The manufacturer recommends that patients should be at least 21. It works with almost any skin type, age, or gender, but there are a few exceptions where doctors will generally not administer this filler.
Pregnant or breastfeeding women should seek another treatment or wait until they are no longer pregnant or breastfeeding. There is no evidence at all that this filler will harm infants, however out of an abundance of caution, it is avoided nonetheless. Patients who are allergic to lidocaine or who have a history of excessive scarring may also want to avoid this treatment.
What Is Recovery Like?
One of the reasons this treatment is so popular is that it requires no downtime and recovery is very simple. In most cases, people can resume their everyday activities right after a session. The advantage here is obvious for anyone with a busy schedule or an on-the-go life. You can get this treatment without having to suspend your usual lifestyle in the process.
How Can I Maintain My Results?
As long as the filler remains in your skin, the hyaluronic acid will continue to bind to water and add volume to your face, cheeks, or lips. However, over time, the levels of hyaluronic acid will start to decrease, just like with the hyaluronic acid that your body naturally produces. Although we can replenish the supply, we cannot stop the aging process.
In order to maintain an ideal aesthetic, many patients elect to return for follow-up treatments. These are usually spaced out annually, depending on the type of treatment that has been used. These sessions often require less of the injection, although this will depend on how well each patient responds to treatment.
Contact Us Today
If you’re ready to restore a fresh and youthful look to your skin, then it’s time to see the amazing things that Juvederm can do for you. Contact us at Advanced Aesthetics Medical Spa in Overland Park, KS for your personal aesthetic consultation!